Make a BushBaby

Hey there, amateur BushBabies! We're on the hunt for the best natural soda flavour chemist out there, and we're calling on you to create your own unique BushBaby soda flavour! This is your chance to let your creativity go wild and craft a delicious soda that will wow our taste buds. We're looking for flavours that capture the essence of Africa, whether it's the sweet taste of honey from the savannah, the tartness of baobab fruit, or the refreshing zest of lemon from the coast. The possibilities are endless! So, channel your inner BushBaby and concoct a soda water that will make us go bananas (or should we say baobabs?). To enter the contest, simply visit our website and submit your flavour idea. The winner will have their flavour produced and featured in our lineup of natural soda waters. Let's get mixing!


Red Hot Prize

